
At Mita Health we are dedicated to helping each person reach his/her potential. Our computer technology can help promote the development of new, healthy brain patterns which can lead to more functional behavior.

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What Is Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback is simply biofeedback for the brain. Reaching a state of centered focus in life can be difficult or impossible if you have brain waves that are out of sync.

Neurofeedback can help restore the right amount of each brainwave, and ensure that all of the brainwaves are in harmonious balance with each other.

Scientists have learned that certain disorders are associated with very distinctive brain wave patterns. Neurofeedback helps balance brain waves and eliminates or diminishes problem behaviors without the use of medication. Unlike medication, neurofeedback has no physical side effects, and the benefits of neurofeedback have been proven to be long lasting.


Conditions We Treat


Neurofeedback addresses dysregulated brain activity to create more optimal functioning in many areas of life including reduced anxiety, improved mood, ability to focus, and restorative sleep. It is is a non-invasive way to "rewire" the brain and help improve a person's ability to cope with life's stressors as well as alleviate the desire for a substance.


Learning involves high speed communication between multiple areas of the brain; if this timing is off, learning can be impaired. Neurofeedback can target those specific areas of the brain to improve communication and timing, and therefore learning can occur more easily.It increases positive and helpful connections in the brain offering support to the development of brain communication.


Neurofeedback is non-invasive and teaches the brain to regulate its own activity without the side effects of medications. It can increase focus and calmness, as well as decrease impulsivity, distractibility, and irritability, leading to improved performance in school and work environments.


While there is no cure for ASD, symptoms such as perseveration, sensory integration, anxiety, irritability, social interpretation, verbal expression and focus can be targeted and managed with neurofeedback therapy. Neurofeedback is a non-invasive and drug free form of treatment that can promote healthy neural networks and balanced brain activity. 


Neurofeedback can offer a drug-free, side effect-free alternative treatment to help reduce the symptoms caused by anxiety and mood disorders. Specific QEEG brain map patterns of overactivity and underactivity are typically seen in conjunction with anxiety and depression.

Brain Brightening

“Brain Brightening” with neurofeedback is a term that is used to describe a process by which the brain is taught to increase its activity and improve its flexibility. Neurofeedback can help promote more optimal functioning of brain activity and may be beneficial for anyone who wishes to improve mental clarity, memory, or emotional reactions.


Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment that can offer relief by addressing the activity and connections the brain utilizes on a daily basis to regulate its sleep-wake rhythm. Additionally, there is an intimate connection between insomnia and disorders of arousal such as anxiety and depression, which neurofeedback has the capacity to directly address and correct.


Utilizing QEEG brain maps, it is possible to gain understanding of the underlying brain dysregulation that may contribute to migraines. Neurofeedback utilizes this information as a drug free way to regulate that unhelpful brain activity and reduce the frequency and severity of migraines.

Traumatic Brain Injury

Utilizing QEEG brain mapping, areas of injury and dysregulation following a head injury can be identified. Using this information, neurofeedback therapy can address impacted areas of the brain to alleviate symptoms as well as restore stamina, focus, cognitive functioning and emotional regulation.

Long-Lasting Benefits

Many different disorders can be improved or eliminated by using neurofeedback. Treatment is noninvasive, and not painful, has no physical side effects, and the benefits are long-lasting. Neurotherapy can bring peace, focus, and balance to your life.

Don’t stand in the way of your own success. Neurofeedback can train the brain to remain calm and focused, decrease impulsivity and anxiety while increasing mental flexibility. Success in business, sports, and school comes from having the mental edge over your competitio

Transforming Minds: Neurofeedback Success Stories

Discover the transformative power of neurofeedback with testimonials from those who've experienced its benefits firsthand.
Our son was struggling with technology addiction.  He was stealing our credit cards to charge games, and actually drilled through a safe to get his ipad out.  After doing his brainmap, it became evident that he did not have excessive slow activity and did not need a stimulant.  Stopping this medication changed his personality. We worked with neurofeedback to improve his attention without medication, to help improve his social anxiety, and continued to work with an addiction counselor.  The addition of neurofeedback to his counseling made all the difference in the world.  He is thriving and connecting with his peers.  So happy we found this therapy. 
- J.O.

Getting the diagnosis of ASD can be overwhelming for a parent, but the use of neurofeedback can greatly reduce the symptoms.  My son was constantly chewing on his shirt and had no friends and seemed to miss all of the social cues.  He was very advanced in math, and knew every dinosaur that every walked the earth.  Neurofeedback was a God-send for us.  His attention improved, he became more social and even asked me how my day was.  I can not emphasize enough the need to do this therapy and do it when your child is young.  This helped him integrate into the world.  Don't miss another day.  Kristin and Mary Page are great to work with, and will guide you to additional resources.

- Steph

I had struggled with sleep for years.  I had been on ambien for 10 years when I came to The Colorado Center for Neurofeedback. I was still not sleeping through the night and my doctor had prescribed a second agent.  I would carry a notebook with me because my memory was so affected by lack of sleep and the medications.  I was agreeable to try supplements to help wean off of medications, and once I got started on neurofeedback, I noticed a decrease in anxiety, a sense of calm and my sleep began to improve.  It took several sessions, but I am now drug free and can sleep all night.  Neurofeedback was worth every penny I paid and more.  If your like me you know a good night's sleep is priceless!

- Dan
My mom is a pediatrician, so I can't even begin to list all of the therapies I have had.  I have been to many learning centers, attended private school, had specialized tutors and went to summer school.  I was able to do well enough in college, but never dreamed of being where I am today.  After starting neurofeedback, everything clicked.  I immediately saw an improvement in my auditory processing and sensory integration problems disappeared.  I began reading for enjoyment, and decided to enroll in, and have now completed by PhD.  I feel the difference that neurofeedback made in my ability to process information, and the improvement in my reading speed were key factors to my success. 
- A.D.

I had weaned off all of my medications before coming to Mita Health's  Colorado Center for Neurofeedback, and was experiencing anxiety and depression. I chose to send in a urine neurotransmitter test which showed which brain neurotransmitters were out of balance. I began on amino acid supplementation, and completed two rounds of neurofeedback. My family and friends cannot believe the difference in my energy and mood. It is nice to feel like my old self again! Unbelievable to have found this resource right in Evergreen.

- Julie

If you have migraines, you understand how debilitating they can be.   I have missed events with family and friends, had to leave indoor sporting events because of the noise, and covered my head with a blanket to get out of the light.  I have had to go to the emergency room because the pain can be intolerable.  When I heard about neurofeedback, of course I was skeptical.  I was desperate however, and the headache medications did not work well and had a lot of side effects.  I was ready to quit after 5 sessions, but decided to trust the process.  It took about 8 sessions for me to notice a decrease in the intensity of my headaches, and after 25 sessions they are all but gone.  I still get a headache here and there, but the difference is unbelievable.  Thanks to The Colorado Center for Neurofeedback for giving me so many pain free days!

- Susan
I am a college student who tried neurofeedback for ADD. I was very surprised when I got my brain map back and Mary Page asked me about dyslexia and auditory processing issues. I had been told that I had dyslexia in elementary school, but never thought that this could still be my problem. Before neurofeedback, I was unable to listen to the professor and simultaneously take notes. I cannot even begin to express my thanks to the Mita Health and Colorado Center for Neurofeedback for the improvements in my academic career. So what I learned, it's not always ADD or ADHD, there are lots of reasons people can't focus, or don't pay attention in school. Do a brain map and see how neurofeedback can help you."
- Kylie

After hearing about brain mapping and neurofeedback for years, I was curious to try it.  At age 63, I was getting ready to begin an intense, month-long training program that required a lot of focus and memorization.  My first brain map showed that I'd had a head injury at some point in my life.  After completing my personalized neurotherapy program, I was able to focus much better.  My short-term memory improved, and I excelled in the training program.  In fact I was told that I was well above average for any age group! The staff is wonderful, and I would be happy to talk to anyone considering neurofeedback!

- J.O.

My 12 year old son had done neurofeedback with another company when he was in second grade, and it really helped with his attention and focus, but we were driving an hour each way. I was so happy to see that we had a neurofeedback company in Evergreen, so when all of the sudden he started failing in middle-school and struggling with relationships, I took him in to see Mary Page. After she got his brain map back she called and asked if he had had a head injury. I had totally forgotten that he fell off a sled and lost consciousness. 12 sessions of neurofeedback later, he was back to himself again. We also had to do sessions in high school due to football head injuries. This is an amazing therapy and has excellent results!

- AW

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