Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy For Men

At MITA we treat hormone imbalances
with bio-identical hormones.

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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy For Men

You are more than the sum of your separate body systems. We each have physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs which are all interrelated, and each of us is part of a community. We are here to help and support you as you take this journey towards wellness.

Functional medicine is root cause medicine. Instead of just treating an illness or chronic condition we need to find out why you have a problem in the first place and treat the underlying cause. So basically, functional medicine is the practice of listening to your story, unraveling the pieces, personalizing testing, and coming up with solutions to help you function at your optimal level.

Through treatment, we can help you reduce or eliminate your need for medications, decrease inflammation, maintain a healthy weight and improve overall energy and performance. Our customized plans help identify and treat conditions specific to you.

Pellet Therapy For Male BHRT Patients

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy For Men

New Patient Startup Package — $650

This includes an office visit to discuss your treatment lab, initial lab draw, follow up lab draw 4-6 weeks after insertion and follow up office visit to assess your response to treatment, and booster pellets (if needed) and your first bottle of DIM Detox. Labs are billed separately, you can use your insurance, and they are sent to Lab Corp.

Male Maintenance Therapy — $550 Per Insertion

After your startup package has expired, you will pay $550 whenever you need your pellets replaced. Pellet insertion is typically required every 4-6 months. The level of activity greatly affects how long the pellets last. Lab work is billed to Lab Corp and is a separate charge from the lab. Once a year men need comprehensive blood work including PSA levels. This lab work can be done at your PCP, or we can draw the labs.

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