Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy For Women

At MITA we treat hormone imbalances
with bio-identical hormones.

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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy For Women

As we age, our hormones decline. Just like going through puberty, the hormone fluctuations can cause multiple symptoms. At MITA Functional Medicine, we understand the complex balance between all of the hormones and understand the importance of balance and optimization.

Women may experience problems with mood irregularity, sleep problems, decreased libido, decreased muscle mass, low energy and brain fog. You might experience “belly fat” that won’t go away, skin changes, bone loss, anxiety and generalized fatigue. These changes can start years before menopause and progress as hormone levels decline.

At MITA we treat hormone imbalances with bio-identical hormones. Our mainstay for testosterone therapy is high-quality bio-identical testosterone pellets that contain no fillers.

Pellet Therapy For Female BHRT Patients


New Patient Startup Package — $400

This includes an initial office visit to discuss your treatment plan, first pellet insertion, follow up blood draw and office visit to assess your response to treatment, booster pellets (if needed) and one bottle of DIM detox. Your labs are billed separately and are sent to Lab Corp.

Female Maintenance Therapy — $275 Per Insertion

After your startup package which covers you first 3 months you pay $275 whenever you need your pellets replaced. Pellet insertion is every 2-4 months, 3 months is average. Lab work and supplements are not included in the cost of pellet insertion for maintenance therapy. Once yearly you need comprehensive labs done. This can be done through us, or your PCP.

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